Write for Us
Feeling creative? Pitch us a topic!
Our goal is to provide quality articles to our readers that are well-researched, informative and well laid out so that the articles are simple to scan through and easier to read. These articles should help the reader understand a topic, teach the reader how to do something, or inform them about topics that they’ve interested in learning about.
Are you an expert in your field? A professional with tips that can help others? Can you provide an informative, interesting and insightful article on a related-field to your expertise? We’d love to have you write a guest post for Artiiseo!
**All article submissions come with an editorial fee of $40 (USD). This money will ensure the website’s longevity by paying the editors on our team, web designers, and graphic designers that create visual content for our blog posts.
***Please Note: This editorial fee doesn’t buy you special privileges or link placements. We will still expect a well-written article with relevant links that adds value to our readers.
What We Want
We want experts that are passionate about their fields to contribute well-written, informative articles that help the reader understand a given topic. As an expert in your field, we expect you to write an article related to your expertise. If you’re writing about a field that’s not related to your interests or expertise, we may reject the article unless it’s citing authorities in the field.
For example, If you’re a web designer, write about web design. If you’re a dentist, write about topics related to dentistry. If you manage a sports shop, write about sports-related topics. If you’re an animal lover, write about animal-related topics. If you’re a roofer, write about roofing related topics.
We don’t pay for guest posts. However, here are the benefits that come from writing for the Artiiseo blog.
- The ability to reach a global audience.
- An author bio with up to one (1) backlink to your business or website so that our audience can find you on the web.
- Links to your business or website’s social media profiles.
- Exposure on our social media platforms.
Why Write a Guest Post?
Guest Post Guidelines
Before you get started with a topic, you should contact our editorial staff and pitch us a topic, and we’ll get back to you. In your topic pitch, you should include several topics that you think would work well on our website, links to your website and social media (for verification purposes), a few paragraphs about you or your business and why you’re qualified to be ‘the expert’, and any links to past articles that you’ve written.
If you don’t have any topic ideas to pitch us, send us information about yourself, your expertise and your business, and we’ll be in touch. If you have other topics that you think we’d be interested in, please send us the topic idea to Info@Artiiseo.com and a little bit about you and your expertise.
Once we’ve received your topic pitch, our team will review your pitch and get back to you, or perhaps suggest another topic that we’d be interested in having you write for our website.
Article Guidelines
- Only original, relevant, non-published content will be considered. We will check for plagiarism before and after the publishing dates. If we find plagiarism after publishing, the post will be removed.
- Please start with an Introduction that outlines the article.
- Add H2, H3, and H4 headings.
- Finish the article with a summary of the main points
- All articles should be written in English, with no grammatical errors.
- The articles should be well formatted and easy to read.
- All articles should be 1,200 – 2,000 words in length.
- NO PLAGIARISM (If we find plagiarism, your submission will be thrown out)
- Please spell-check your articles through Grammarly and remove any spelling errors before submitting the final article.
- Don’t have paragraphs that are too long or run-on sentences.
- If you have graphics, photos, or infographics that are relevant to the article, feel free to add them to the article. If you don’t have any media, don’t worry; Our team will add media to each post before publishing the article.
- If we feel that your graphics add value to our readers, we’ll leave them in the article.
- Please add relevant links that bring value to the reader.
- If you make statements, please add the source via a backlink.
- Don’t add spammy anchor text on the links.
- No affiliate links or hidden links in the article.
- Don’t use backlinks for sales pitches or self-promotion. This is why you have an author’s bio.
- No backlinks to your website’s homepage, unless it’s in your author bio.
- No links related to gambling, drinking, smoking, drugs, loans, or adult websites.
- **We reserve the right to change the anchor text on the backlinks or remove backlinks if they seem irrelevant or spammy.
- When submitting your article, add your author bio to the bottom of your post. The author’s bio should be about 60-200 characters in length, outlining your expertise, interest and where you’re located.
- Please submit a profile photo of the author, or business that contributed to the post.
- You can add up to one (1) do-follow backlink in your author bio that directs the readers to your place of business.
- Please send us at least two (2) links to your public social media profiles so that our audience can follow you on social media. (Preferably LinkedIn and Twitter or Instagram)
Author Bio
Sponsored Content
We do allow companies to publish sponsored content. Please reach out to our editors regarding sponsored content ideas and pricing options.
Please Note: For agencies, press releases, product reviews, service reviews, and sponsored content or more information, please contact our editorial team at Info@Artiiseo.com and someone from our team will be in touch with you about your requests.